Fort William Under 12s look to go Dutch on football trip

Young players from Fort William Football Club are stepping into unchartered territory in January and are looking for financial help to aid their trip.

The Under 12 team hoping to head for Holland with coaches, left to right, Bobby MacMillan, Charles Luxton and Dave Forbes. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

Fort William’s under 12s are travelling to Rotterdam, Holland, to compete in an International Youth Cup and on Saturday December 9 the team will be packing bags in Morrisons to raise funds.

So far the club has had incredibly generous donations from ASW Construction, Sammys Fish and Chips, Lochyside Community Council, Fort William Football Club, Stephen Mactavish, The Tavern, Spice Tandoori and Highland Titles as well as many smaller donations from the community to help fund this trip.

Dave Forbes, Fort first team player and Under 12s coach, said: “This is an expensive trip but one which would be a massive boost to youth football in the area as we try and compete with various successful shinty clubs and encourage new members.”

If you or your business would like to donate/sponsor the team please get in touch directly with the Fort using the QR code below: