Free ferry scheme to include more young islanders

More young islanders will be able to travel on free ferry journeys after the Scottish Government confirmed it will extend an existing scheme to include all of those under the age of 22.

The Scottish Government ferry scheme currently provides free travel for those aged between 16-18 years old on four single or two return journeys per year from the Hebrides and the Northern Isles to the mainland.

It also allows eligible full time volunteers up to the age of 26 to undertake the journeys free of charge, but this change will now also allow under 16s and 19-21 year olds to benefit.

Scotland’s transport minister, Fiona Hyslop MSP said: “Ferries are an essential part of Scotland’s transport network, providing a vital lifeline for island residents.

“I’m pleased that more young people will soon be able to benefit from this initiative, saving them money during the cost crisis.”

This development was also welcomed by Alasdair Allan, SNP MSP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Alasdair Allan, who had previously discussed the scheme with the transport minister.

Mr Allan has pushed for the extension of the scheme to help young people in the Western Isles to make the most of their existing entitlement to free bus travel in Scotland.

“Today’s announcement is very welcome indeed, and is something I and other local representatives, have been consistent in calling for on behalf of our islands’ young people”, he said.

“I hope that young people in the Western Isles will now be able to take advantage of free travel to and from the mainland, linking them to bus services.

“This decision recognises the travel needs of young islanders and is an important step in improving the ability of our islands’ young people to make as much use as possible of our ferry services.”