Scout groups join forces to clean up Kintyre’s beaches

Three Kintyre beaches have been cleared of more than 18kg of litter, thanks to the combined efforts of two Argyll Scout groups.

The shoreline at Carskiey, Dunaverty and Brunerican beaches is sparkling after the 16th Argyll Scouts and Explorers, based in Campbeltown, invited Lochgilphead’s 19th Argyll Scouts to camp at Dunaverty Hall in Southend for an autumn weekend excursion.

The youngsters and their leaders spent the Saturday cleaning and surveying the beaches, walking a six-mile route between the three, and stopping for a very well-earned lunch break at Dunaverty beach.

Some of the youngsters with rubbish collected at Brunerican beach.

When the 19th Argyll Scouts contacted The GRAB Trust, a charitable social enterprise promoting recycling and combating litter across Argyll, to borrow beach cleaning equipment – which it loans for free – the charity was happy to help.

Jacqui Willis, the trust’s beaches and marine litter project officer for Helensburgh, Lomond, Dunoon and Cowal, joined the Scouts, standing in for Kerry McKay, project officer for Mid Argyll, Kintyre, Oban, Lorn and the Isles, who was unable to attend this event.

“We were lucky to have a beautiful calm, warm day,” said Jacqui, who helped the Scouts to submit all their data from the clean-ups to the Marine Conservation Society, a UK non-profit organisation that works with businesses, governments and communities to clean and protect oceans.

The Scouts walked a six-mile route between the three beaches.

The groups collected 8.5kg of rubbish at Carskiey, 6.45kg at Brunerican and 3.45kg at Dunaverty.

By far the most common type of material collected at all three locations was plastic/polystyrene, with other items found including rubber, cloth, paper/cardboard, metal and pottery.

The rubbish found is believed to have come from several sources, including fishing, agriculture and shipping, as well as from the general public.

The weekend was deemed a huge success, not only helping to clean up a large section of Kintyre’s shoreline, but also creating new friendships.