Nice and Breeze-y does it for winter parade

Breeze the three-metre high puppet opening Oban’s winter parade is ready to blow.

Made out of recycled materials, the puppet created by Vision Mechanics, is built and ready for her big date with Oban on Friday November 17.

She is the little sister of sea goddess Storm, who made a huge impression on the town in 2021 raising ocean protection awareness.

Storm was 10ms tall whereas Breeze, also known as the bringer of light, is seven metres shorter and will not be walking like her older sis – instead she will be moved along on wheels.

“Breeze is beautiful and a sight to see but we are having to be clear to people she is much smaller than her big sister Storm, who will not be here for the parade,” said a festival spokesperson.

To follow Breeze as she parades through town, gather at the Corran Halls ready to leave at 4.45pm. Street band Obanda will also be there to keep the pace.

There is also a fancy-dress competition for anyone taking up the recycling theme challenge to make their own outfits – and there are prizes to be won.

At the end of the parade, Breeze will be loaded onto the back of a lorry for one last spin round the centre before taking her position on the Winter Woods trail up at Glencruitten.

Festival organisers say there are just a few places left for any traders wanting to sell their wares at the three market venues this year.

The dates are Saturday November 18 and Saturday November 25, 10am to 4pm.

The Corran Halls Market will have more than 40 stalls laden with handmade gifts, jewellery, crafts, foods, drink – and with onsite catering. Hope Kitchen will be serving up on November 18 with Catchacarrot Vegan Pop Up Café taking its turn on November 25. The November 18 market will also feature the Young Entrepreneurs Market showcasing the best of  talented Under 25s.

The Distillery Market will be focusing more on food and drink from artisan growers, makers, bakers, brewers and more. Also featuring gorgeous homewares, gifts and crafts. Outside there will be hot puddings and ice cream – and street entertainment too.

Bank Garage on Stevenson Street, right in front of the Rockfield Centre, is the spot for the third market and will be transformed into a twinkling, tree-lined winter craft market to sprinkle plenty of pre-Christmas magic.


Caption: Street band Obanda will also be at the Winter Festival opening parade on November 17 to keep the pace
NO T47 winter fest_Samba band in the rain station square opening parade oban winter festival _KM