Birds of Costa Rica in spotlight at society

Pirnmill-based amateur ornithologist and photographer Dr David Kilpatrick will present the next Arran Natural History Society (ANHS) talk ‘Birds of Costa Rica’.

Following his retirement from his NHS job as a consultant immunologist in 2012, David revived his childhood passion for birdwatching, adding wildlife photography to his skills.

David has also become an author, co-writing with his wife Alison the guidebook Arran and other Islands of the Clyde Archipelago featuring some of his bird and landscape photographs.

David has travelled extensively throughout his life, including a trip to Costa Rica in 2019, photographs from which will be the basis for his talk.

Costa Rica is rich in colourful bird life so David’s presentation will be a feast for the eyes.

The talk is on Tuesday November 7 at 7.30pm at Ormidale Pavilion, Brodick. Entry is free to ANHS members or by donation to society funds for non-members, suggested donation £5. Membership can be started or renewed at any meeting and is £15 or £25 for couples.

This will be the last in-person talk of the year after which online presentations will complete the winter programme.

A black-mandibled toucan found in Costa Rica.


Dr David Kilpatrick will give a talk at the next society meeting. NO_B44ornithology01_david_kilpatrick

A black-mandibled toucan found in Costa Rica. NO_B44ornithology02_23_mandibled_toucan