Worship ends with memories as Lamlash church closes its doors

By Hugh Boag

The doors of Lamlash Parish Church have closed for the last time, ending 137 years of worship in the present church building.

Last Sunday was a sad day for the congregation as the final service, conducted by long- serving retired Arran minister the Reverend Dr Ian Macleod, was held.

They were called to worship, as have generations before them, by the unique bells of the church which sounded across Lamlash, perhaps also for the last time.

During the service, two long-standing members of the congregation – Margaret Shaw and Patricia Trewby – gave their personal memories of the church over the years and the Reverend Macleod remembered those with a close association of the church who have passed away.

In his sermon, the Reverend Macleod acknowledged that there were those in the church who were sorry to see the changes in the Church of Scotland which had led to the closure of Lamlash and the other churches on Arran. However, he said the church was not a building and that change could be positive for the church moving forward.

Kilmory will be the fourth and final church to be closed in the kirk restructuring plan on Sunday November 5. Corrie and the Tin Church in Pirnmill have already closed.

It is hoped Lamlash church and hall could become a community hub to accomodate the many organisations who presently use them who would otherwise have to find an alternative venue, which are limited in Lamlash.

* Kilmory Church closure sees a link with history broken, see pages 14 and 15.


The bells ring for the last time as worshipers arrive last Sunday. 01_B44lamlash01_23_bells_ring

The Reverend Dr Ian Macleod conducts the final service. 01_B44lamlash02_23_last_service

The congregation unite in song. 01_B44lamlash03_23_members_sing

Patricia Trewby gives her personal memories of the church. 01_B44lamlash04_23_patricia_trewby

The congregation in the magnificent surroundings of the church listen to the Reverend Macleod’s sermon. 01_B44lamlash05_23_church_sermon