Acts sought for 2024 drama festival

Isle of Arran Drama Association is holding the 2024 One Act Drama Festival on February 23 and 24 and is looking for actors, directors and groups who wish to take part in this annual festival which has been running since 1934.

There is a senior section for over 18s as well as a junior section.

Plays have already been entered by Brodick, Lamlash and Whiting Bay drama groups, but there is still plenty time to enter – up until the end of the year. All the drama groups on the island welcome new members and if you would like to be involved please contact Andy McNamara at who can put you in touch with your local group.

Entries are also welcome from independent groups and individuals. Advice and professional assistance with scripts, stage setting and lighting are available.

Dave Bennet will adjudicate the festival. Dave is a good friend of the festival and is chairman of the Scottish Association of Speech and Drama Adjudicators. He last visited Arran for the 2020 festival.

Dave will score each play and choose the winners in the various categories from best play and best individual performances to the best moment of theatre as well as giving feedback to all the actors and directors.


The cast and crew of last year’s winning play, The Young Ones, with their trophy and adjudicator Alasdair Hawthorne. 01_B11prize07