Birthday surprise at Lamlash Ladies prizegiving

Women golfers of Lamlash Golf Club, known as Lamlash Ladies, enjoyed their annual prizegiving at the club where they also enjoyed a meal from Duncan’s on the Green.

Unfortunately two of the main winners were unable to attend, but members congratulated Val Crawford on winning the Grace Cannon Two Ball, Centenary Tray and the Fleet Cup and June Richardson on winning the Marella Cup, the Progress Trophy and the Glenkiln Rosebowl.

Other main winners were: Kate McAdam, the McGill Cup, the Stroke Quaich and the Ann Cook Tray; Elizabeth Sinclair, the Grace Cannon Two Ball and the Eclectic Trophy; Sheena Murchie, the Away Day Trophy and the New Year Shield; Fiona Drennan, the Winter Stableford; Fiona Carswell, the Captain’s Prize; Ruth Hardy, the Kilbride Tray; Gay MacKay, the Josie Sanderson; Jenny Pattenden, the Ladies Open and Susan Butchard, the Club Championship.

A birthday cake was presented to the club’s ‘almost 90-years-old’ regular player Ann MacVicar who is still playing competitively and is an inspiration to all other players.


Ann MacVicar with her birthday cake.

Trophy winners at the Lamlash Ladies’ prizegiving. No_B44LamLadies01_23_prize_winners

Ann MacVicar with her birthday cake. No_B44LamLadies02_23_Ann_MacVicar