Stricken yacht towed to mooring

A 27-foot yacht with two people on board had to be towed to a mooring in Brodick Bay after the vessel experienced engine trouble half a mile off Brodick.

Arran RNLI volunteers, based in Lamlash, were tasked with the call for assistance at 4.30pm on Wednesday October 25.

On arrival at the vessel, two members of the volunteer crew transferred onboard and helped the skipper sail the boat onto a visitor mooring in the bay. The remaining boat crew stayed aboard the Atlantic 85 B-class lifeboat Rachel Hedderwick with a tow line ready in case the yacht needed to be placed under tow.

Once secure, the skipper decided to leave the boat, taking into account a weather forecast of strong easterly winds and with darkness approaching.

The lifeboat crew transferred the skipper and crew member ashore along with their belongings and tender before making the short journey back to Lamlash where shore crew recovered the boat and make her ready for service.


RNLI crew sailed the stricken yacht to a mooring while the lifeboat stood by in case it needed to be towed. 01_B44RNLI01_23_Brodick_yacht