Leader, November 3 2023

Parking problems

With the Courier office located on the corner of Main Street and Longrow South, we know just how frequently inconsiderate parking there causes problems.

If we were to write an article every time vehicles were parked on the double yellow lines on both sides of the road, or every time a horn was sounded, it would feature in our news pages every week!

But things came to a head last week when two school buses were unable to move for 10 minutes, and it seemed a good opportunity to remind drivers of the issues some are causing.

Most cars are only parked there for a few minutes, but that happens all day long and creates a cumulative problem.

It must be incredibly frustrating for the drivers of large vehicles who have to attempt the manoeuvre multiple times a day.

At least some drivers can choose different routes, but buses have specific routes, with designated stops, that they cannot miss – although sometimes they are forced to.

Undoubtedly, parking is difficult in Campbeltown and town centre shops are dependent on customers stopping and shopping with them, but please consider how your parking could impact others, even if you are only stopping for a few minutes.