Kyles celebrate successful season in the Premiership

Mowi Premiership

Kyles Athletic 1 Oban Camanachd 0

Kyles Athletic ended the season in the Mowi Premiership’s runners-up spot following their 1-0 win over Oban Camanachd at Tighnabruaich.

Innes Macdonald was still missing for Kyles, who were also without Andrew King and Will Cowie.

Oban Camanachd manager Gareth Evans was without twelve players and only had four of his Camanachd Cup final starting twelve so there was a Lochside flavour to his side.

The pitch had recovered from the recent rain onslaught but, not surprisingly, it was on the soft side.

The goal that separated the sides came just four minutes before half-time. The ball was played up to Kyles Athletic attacker Luke Thornton on the high side of the park on the Kyles right.

Thornton sent a low 20-yard shot across keeper Brian MacCallum for what was a good finish and the one bit of skill that made the difference.

Oban Camanachd had pressure in attack without troubling home goalie John Whyte and full back Callum Millar mopped up most things whilst, at the other end, Brian MacCallum was very tidy, dealing with ball by his feet, in and around his D.

Kyles almost doubled their lead in the second half when Scotland cap Scott Macdonald shot goalwards from around 30 yards out, but keeper MacCallum stretched high to get his stick to the ball and he turned it over the top for what was a brilliant save.

There were no bookings in what was believed to be experienced grade 1 official Graham Cameron’s last match as a referee.

Kyles’ captain Ross Macrae and his team mates will be proud of their efforts, finishing second in the premiership.

A club spokesperson said: “Cup success was not to be this season unfortunately. Beset by injuries at the beginning of the season, Kyles seniors got into their stride climbing out of the relegation zone, to keep the league title race alive as late as possible.

“Unable to be there for this last game, the players would like to sincerely thank Peter Kennedy for his support driving the bus and helping on the side-lines.”

The team also thanked the player/coaches and all their supporters home and away who also help with fundraising and lottery sales for their continued support.

“Thanks again to all those businesses who buy advertising boards or provide vouchers for fundraisers- it really helps.

“To our main sponsors Maxi Haulage and Radisson Red a huge thanks and to all those who sponsored a player this season- great to have you on board. Paul Paterson – thanks for your photographic expertise all season.

“And of course to all the players who keep us enthralled and excited – well done and thank you.”