Travel update: Re-opening of A816 road delayed until December

It has been announced that the main Lochgilphead to Oban road is now not expected to re-open until mid-December.

Argyll & Bute Council updated their timescale for the re-opening of the A816 on Tuesday after initially aiming to clear the affected section of the road near Ardfern by mid-November.

The council and local contractors have been clearing the Bealach section of the road since it was struck by a 6,000 tonne landslide during a day of severe rainfall on October 7.

The landslide blocked a car and a pick-up driving up the Bealach, before a second landslide forced four drivers and farm animals running for their lives.

An Argyll & Bute Council update said: “We are making good progress in clearing debris from the road. The crucial element is stabilising the hillside to ensure that it is safe.

“The hillside has a number of precarious boulders (weighing as much as 200 plus tonnes) at various points. Some of these boulders are over 100 metres above the road.

“Due to ongoing movement on the hillside, particularly in wet weather, and the number and size of boulders, we have also been working to progress a diversion option to provide resilience and to open up a route in as short a timescale as possible.

“At this stage the diversion route is going to be the most certain, and therefore fastest, way of getting a route along the A816 reopened.

“Subject to finalising a licence to occupy land we expect to have the emergency road in place mid-December, before the landslip affected part of the A816 is open.”

The council plans to use an emergency diversion as an alternative route for A816 traffic during severe weather, but has also suggested that the road could be diverted on a “permanent basis.”

Medium term, the emergency road will also provide an alternative route for the A816 during very wet conditions when the hillside will be less stable.

Elsewhere in Argyll, the local authority will install a temporary bridge on the B836 at Glen Lean and demolish the existing bridge, which has been severely damaged.

It is hoped that a new bridge will be opened along the Cowal road in April 2024

The C30 minor road along West Loch Awe also remains closed due to a landslip, with traffic able to access communities along the road.

However, traffic is not able to pass the site of the road closure and the council have had to delay re-opening the road after it had been hoped that it would open in full on Friday.

An Argyll & Bute Council update added: “We have begun the process of installing approximately 700 tonnes of rock armour to reinstate the steep embankment which supports the road.

“Access to the site and delivery of materials is challenging, whilst good progress is being made, we are unable to accelerate these works due to logistic challenges and safety requirements.

The B828 road also remains closed between Glen Mhor and the Rest and be Thankful Car Park due to a landslip and issues with a bridge structure.

It has been advised that Lochgoilhead can still be accessed by taking the Hells Glen and the A815 roads.