Crossing the Atlantic to keep up connections

Oban High School students crossed the Atlantic to celebrate 30 years of friendship.

In October, 12 students travelled to Laurinburg, Oban’s sister city in North Carolina, to be immersed in American culture and hosted in family homes for two weeks.

The exchange was started in 1993 by an agreement between the Rotary Clubs of Oban and Laurinburg who shared a vision of future generations of both towns reconnecting with their shared Scottish heritage.

Hundreds of students and families have been involved  over the years with lifelong, transatlantic friendships being made every year, said Oban High School headteacher Peter Bain.

He added: “The Laurinburg Exchange is a wonderful opportunity for our children to not only experience different cultures and experiences, but equally it helps establish and reinforce new and continuing life-long friendships amongst the children and families of both Oban and Laurinburg.

“The commitment by so many on either side of the Pond over the last 30 years is testament to the value of the exchange and the worth of those well-embedded community friendships.”

This year marked the 30th Annual Cultural Exchange between Oban and Laurinburg.