Councillor’s column – November 10, 2023

Councillor Alastair Redman – Kintyre and the Islands ward

Wear your poppies with pride

Every year, in the run-up to Remembrance Day, millions of people, not just in the UK but right around the world, wear a poppy.

It is a symbol of remembrance and hope and is proudly displayed.

We are honoured to remember those who sacrificed their lives to give us the freedom we enjoy today, whilst we hope for a peaceful and prosperous future for the next generation.

Huge investment needed after recent flooding  

I have been in regular contact with our council’s media team about messaging with regard to the recent flooding and have been hugely impressed both with the council’s communications and the road department’s response to challenges as a result of the flooding.

I have also been in contact with our head of economic growth at the council about the damages caused by the flooding to farms, crofts and small businesses.

There has to be huge investment from central government to future proof our infrastructure one we reach the recovery phase. The damage has been extensive.

Islay Whisky Vault

I was delighted to visit the Islay Whisky Vault recently. As your local councillor I will continue to do all that I can to support local businesses growth and shopping locally.

Guy Fawkes Night 

I was once again delighted to attended another terrific bonfire and fireworks display at Portnahaven. A huge thanks to all the organizers, contributors and volunteers who made it possible.

Landslides at Kilchiarian

Landslides at Kilchiaran on Islay have now happened on more that one occasion and I have raised this with our roads’ men. These have been cleared away but there are local concerns that this will become a regular occurrence.

Long term repairs needed for social housing

I have received concerns over “quick fix” work being done to many of our social houses when my constituents have made complaints to their housing associations.

I have been in regular contact with the housing associations about this. All landlords must meet their obligations to their tenants.


I have been posting the regular updates I receive from BEAR Scotland and the chief executive of the council on social media community pages in my ward to help keep everyone informed.

On the matter of the recent flooding and many other local matters, it is knowing about council services that is the first step in using them.

To make it as easy as possible for people to access services, we provide information in different ways, for example social media, primarily Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn. We also provide a weekly email news round up.

Followers are increasing, so if you haven’t already, find out more about council news and jobs on social media, or by signing up free on our website to receive our news round up.

Where possible, I would encourage local residents to report roads and street lighting faults on the website whenever they see them.