Proudly Arran

Among the many marketing and promotional initiatives Arran has developed over the years, Shop Arran has stood the test of time to become the de facto Black Friday event for the island.

Now more than a decade old, the Shop Arran weekend still brings all of the island’s businesses together to offer a comprehensive, island wide shopping experience that proudly showcases the wide variety of products and produce available on our little rock.

And at this time of year, in the run-up to Christmas, eager shoppers are still enticed, from here at home and from the mainland, to take advantage of all the special deals and discounts on offer.

Naturally, island businesses have always known about and promoted the concept of shopping locally and the Shop Arran event extols all of the benefits of this perfectly. We now understand the benefits of shopping locally filters through communities and helps to establish a sense of place and a sense of being proudly Arran, something we all believe in and support.

But like many businesses, independent traders have had it tough emerging from the pandemic and need all the help they can get.

If you are a fan of Arran products, and who isn’t with such a variety to choose from, the Shop Arran weekend is something we should all get firmly behind.