Arran Banner Letters – week 45, 2023

Monohull mantra needs review


The recent announcement the MV Alfred contract will be extended to August 2024 is to be welcomed and a belated recognition of catamarans as a viable vessels for the CMAL fleet.

The MV Alfred is expected to berth at Islay, Campbeltown and Troon and was trialled to Stornoway – ramp issues rather than sea capability currently negating that initiative.

The previous excuses offered regarding suitability of catamarans for the ‘particular conditions experienced on CalMac routes’ by CMAL have now been undermined.
Catamarans are also a successful part of the fleet mix serving the Isle of Man and extensively used world wide.

This reinforces the need to rethink the fleet renewal strategy; customer specified catamarans similar to Alfred can be built for around £20 to 25 million. Smaller “workhorse” vessels (50/55 metres) are around £6 million. Build time around two years.

The capital savings for fleet renewal, for a cash strapped Scottish government treasury, are obvious. Additionally, the operational efficiency of catamarans – around one third of monohulls – provides a cash and environmental bonus.

It is time to challenge the CMAL monohull mantra and speedily replace the derelict fleet.


J Lamont,


Deeply concerning waiting times


Waiting times for cardiology appointments in Scotland are at record levels and have more than doubled since before the Covid pandemic.

Between September 2016 and June 2023, the number of people waiting for an appointment rose from 10,496 to 22,720. In the last year alone, the waiting list has grown by 6,000.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is deeply concerned by these figures, not least because deaths from heart and circulatory diseases are also increasing in Scotland.

Last year, 18,073 people – around 50 a day – died from heart and circulatory diseases,  the highest number of deaths since 2008.

At the BHF we know delays in the diagnosis and treatment of a heart condition can have devastating consequences. We also understand the human impact behind these figures – the families dealing with grief and loss, worry and anxiety.

That’s why we are asking members of the public who have been impacted by cardiology waiting times to get in touch with us.

If you are willing to share your experience of waiting for a cardiology appointment in Scotland with the BHF please email or call 0131 555 5891.


David McColgan,

Head of British Heart Foundation Scotland.

Fireworks and mother nature


Thank you to everyone who attended the November 5 celebrations at Kildonan Hall.

After delicious food, we enjoyed a dry evening and a spectacular display of fireworks around a great bonfire.

All the food was free to thank the community of Kildonan for its exceptional generosity at recent charity fundraising events for Macmillan, SCAA and The Beatson.

As the fireworks finished the Northern Lights took over. Spectacular.


Alistair Yates,
