Corrie Film Club presents…

David Copperfield (2019, Certificate PG)

This month’s Corrie Film Club presentation is Armando Ianucci’s life-affirming version of David Copperfield.

Adapted from the classic novel, the good hearted David Copperfield (Dev Patel) is surrounded by wickedness, kindness, poverty and wealth as he journeys through life meeting an array of remarkable characters.

As David sets out to be a writer in his quest for family, friendship, romance and status, the story of his life is the most seductive of all.

Peter Bradshaw in his Guardian review of the film said: “Ianucci and co-writer Simon Blackwell are concerned, in their adroit and light-hearted way, to start afresh, to tilt the interpretation a bit, to bring in a diverse cast and to re-emphasise Copperfield’s search not just for happiness but for identity. They do it with a tremendous joie de vivre.”

Film club organisers describe the showing as: “Just the thing for a November night – a warming film with a brilliant all British cast.”

David Copperfield will be shown at Corrie and Sannox Village Hall on Sunday November 12 at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. Free entry but a donation to village hall funds would be appreciated.