SuperDraw raises £5k in first year for Oban Hospice

The Oban Hospice SuperDraw celebrated its first birthday last Friday at the Dove Centre on Stevenson Street, Oban.

This month’s winner of the £200 prize was Carol MacIntyre, with the second prize of £50 going to Hazel Evans.

Picking the winning numbers was Nan Johnstone, who won the top prize of £200 in the first SuperDraw back in November 2022.

It’s simple to play. People pay £5 per month by standing order, and the lottery is held every month when two red, numbered balls are plucked in front of the camera, broadcast on the Oban Hospice’s social media page.

All the money, excluding the prize money, goes to the running of the hospice services.

The Dove Centre’s coordinator, Peter Darling, said: “It is an easy way to give funds.” Details can be found below.

The Dove Centre’s secretary, Elsa MacIver, said the SuperDraw had raised £5,000 so far this year. “It is amazing,” she said. “All for the local community. We are giving back as well.”

If you would like to support Oban Hospice by joining the SuperDraw, you can call 01631 561315 or email, or drop in at the Dove Centre. Participants must be 16 years of age or over. The next SuperDraw, the Christmas bumper draw, will be on Friday December 8.

There are two more events leading up to Christmas: ‘Pearl and Prosecco’ on Sunday November 19 at the Argyllshire Gathering Halls (tickets £15 from the Dove Centre), and the Winter Festival open night on November 23 from 5pm, with music and mulled wine.