Free film tickets in fire safety campaign

This winter, Oban Community Fire Station and Oban’s Phoenix Cinema will be running a joint fire safety campaign.

Crews from the Oban fire station will be attending community events and offering members of the public free home fire safety visits as they do all year round, but thanks to the generosity of Oban cinema, they will also be offering free family cinema tickets for any households that receive a home fire safety visit.

During these visits, SFRS crews will discuss home fire safety with occupants and give advice on keeping the home as safe as possible. Crews can also give advice on fire detection and explain the legislation around fire detection requirements in the home.

Watch commander William Gemmell said: “We are extremely grateful to Jennie and Oban cinema for once again working with us on this campaign.

“Their generous community spirit will allow families the chance to visit their fantastic cinema this festive season totally free, which in these challenging times is an amazing gesture.

“It also gives local people the chance to go along and show their support for the cinema and help secure the future of this amazing facility.

“From our point of view, it gives us an opportunity to engage with members of the public and offer advice and reassurance on all matters relating to home fire safety. In the run up to the festive season it is important for us to be able to get our winter safety message to the community and highlight some key information on fire safety which will hopefully ensure everyone enjoys a happy and safe festive season.

“I’d also like to thank Oban Winter Festival who have supported this campaign for the last few years and have been kind enough to let us attend their events to engage with the community.”

If you would like to take advantage of this fantastic initiative look out for SFRS crews at local events, you can also phone Oban Community Fire Station on 01631 569995.

Home fire safety visits are available all year round, visit for more information.