Loch Morar bridges cause collapse concern

The deteriorating state of three bridges on a minor road near Morar has raised concerns amongst members of the local community.

A minor road along the north banks of Loch Morar provides the only road link for residents of Bracara, with at least three holiday accommodation venues reliant on the single-track toad.

Morar Community Council chairperson, Father Stanislaw Pamula said: “There are several families living in Bracara and a new house was recently built there as well.

“The bridges are in a horrible state and, basically, everything is falling apart. We have been trying to get Highland Council to do something about it.

“They were scheduled to be repaired last year, but it was cancelled and one bridge had nearly collapsed by the time it was fixed.”

Father Stanislaw also argues that the bridges should be repaired in the winter when the road is quieter, as many visitors use it to travel to the remote Knoydart Peninsula and the road will likely need to be closed for repairs to be carried out.

“The main fear is if someone gets hurt by a collapsing bridge because people cross them everyday and heavier agricultural vehicles also use the road.”

Members of Morar Community Council have raised concerns about the bridges at their meetings and with in a meeting with Highland Council.

Photographs shared online show large gaps at the side of the bridges, which are partially dirt track in some places.

Highland Council did not respond to an approach for comment.