Taking a dive for RBLS

Six Royal British Legion Scotland (RBLS) associates have boosted the charity’s coffers by £2,000.

The adventurers took part in tandem sky-dives at Fife Airport last month, including two members of the Inveraray and District branch, Ian Lindsay and Alex Wallace.

While the original sky-dives were due to take pace in September, bad weather meant the flights could not go ahead.

In the end the first to ‘jump’ was Ian on October 2.

Former soldier Alex Wallace, who had been “encouraged” by his wife the Rev Dorothy Wallace, minister at West Lochfyneside Parish Church in Inveraray, to take part, jumped on October 17.

The pair have raised more than £700 between them for the RBLS, which will be used to help local charities, ex-servicemen and veterans.

And on October 30, completing the challenge were Cosmo MacMillan, Emma McAlonan, Alan Duff and Erin Fyfe.

Donations can still be made to the Inveraray and District Royal British Legion  at  https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/dorothy-wallace?utm_term=DEarayk36

The Inveraray and District RBLS AGM is being held on December 2 at 12pm, Inveraray Church Hall.

Ian Lindsay at his tandem sky-dive.
The six RBLS associates at Fife Airport, where the tandem sky-dives took place.