Kilmartin teenager is lone piper at Tulliallan

Thirteen-year-old Adam Rusden of Kilmartin had the honour of being the lone piper at the Police Scotland college at Tulliallan on Remembrance Sunday.

His mum, Michelle Rusden works with the National Co-ordination team at police Scotland, which includes working with the college, near Kincardine.

She said told the Advertiser that the chance came up for a young piper to play at the Remembrance service, in front of 200 attendees and he was “keen to volunteer”.

Michelle, who went with Adam on the day, said: “He was nervous but stood confidently on a freezing cold morning and was able to play the full tune, he has never performed alone before.

“This was a great opportunity and Adam was very proud to represent Mid Argyll Pipe Band. He received a commemorative coin from Police Scotland as a thank you and has been given the opportunity to play at future events.”

A pupil at Lochgilphead High School, Adam spent a few weeks teaching himself a new tune for the day and performed it before the two-minute silence on the main parade square at the police college.

Adam started playing the chanter at eight years old and has been getting lessons from Rod Buchanan in Kilmartin for five years.

He has been a junior member of Mid Argyll Pipe Band for the last two years and alongside other younger players Adam has been invited to joined the pipe band in several performances during 2023 such as Mid Argyll Show, Cowal Games and Tarbert Seafood Festival which has been a great experience.

Adam is aiming in time to be fully integrated into the band as a competing piper.

Adam Rusden in front of the Tulliallan Police College, where he performed as the lone piper on Remembrance Sunday.