Watch out for scammers

Scams are on the rise. This is the opinion of Trading Standards, banks, victim support groups and our police sergeant who was on the receiving end of an indirect attempt aimed at tricking him into parting with his cash.

The sad reality is that it is not just the elderly and more trusting members of society who are being tricked. It is everyone, people of all ages and with all levels of suspicion.

Sadly, too, it is at this time of the year that instances of fraud increases and it comes during a cost of living crisis and the season of goodwill. The only prevention is an overt suspicion of everyone and all purported business asking for your details or money.

Thankfully though, genuine callers, people and businesses are aware of the high number of scams out there and will not take umbrage at requests for proof of who they are and what they are claiming to be true. Even tradesmen knocking at your door will now happily provide identification that can be checked by telephone before they are let in.

The old adage ‘rather safe than sorry’ should be on everyone’s lips this festive season. Trust only your own eyes and ears and not the words of strangers to stay safe from unscrupulous scammers.