Lest We Forget – Remembrance Day on Arran

By Hugh Boag

Services were held across Arran last weekend to mark Remembrance Sunday.

At the largest event, around 50 people gathered at Brodick War Memorial where the road was closed to allow the short service to be held.

The service was led by retired Chuch of Scotland reader Jean Hunter assisted by Father Noel Colford of the Catholic Church and Baptist minister the Reverend Andrew Clark.

Ahead of the two-minute silience, the Last Post was sounded by Biff Simpson and the service ended with piper Ali Hume playing When the Battle’s O’er.

In Whiting Bay, there was a short ceremony outside St Donan’s Church. The names of those who are remembered on the War Memorial in front of the church were read out to a gathering of about 30 people and, after a short ceremony, Eric Borland played the Last Post. This was followed at 11am by a two-minute silence, after which Patrick Scott played When the Battle’s O’er.

In Pirnmill, around 40 people attended the service at the War Memorial and services were also held by Kilmory Outreach at the Bennicarrigan War Memorial Kilmory and at Shiskine War Memorial.

On Saturday, a short service was held in Corrie at the Ferry Rock War Memorial at 11am to mark Armistice Day.


Reader Jean Hunter leads the Remembrance Sunday service in Brodick. 01_B46remember02_23_jean_hunter

Ali Hume plays a lament during the Brodick service. 01_B46remember03_23_ali_hume

Biff Simpson sounds the Last Post.  01_B46remember04_23_biff_simpson

Those attending crowd in front of the cenotaph in the low winter sun with the road closed for the service. 01_B46remember05_25_road_closed

Eric Borland playing the Last Post on the bugle at Whiting Bay. NO_B46poppy01_23_whting_bay

Patrick Scott piping at the Whiting Bay service. NO_B46poppy02_23_patrick_scott

The wreaths laid at the Pirnmill War Memorial on Sunday. NO_B46poppy03_23_pirnmill_war