News from Plockton and District

The AGM of the Plockton and District Horticultural Society was held in Plockton Hall on October 26.

There was a satisfactory attendance of 20 and treasurer Sheila Harvey submitted an excellent report.

President Lenice Townend gave a report on the years events and said she was standing down.

The following office bearers were elected: Joint presidents, Gill Harrington and Jill Charnley; secretary, Jan Thorskov; Treasurer, Shiela Harvey.

Committee: Hannah Camp-Arthur, Lynne Kennedy, Adrienna Sowoof, Hugh Foottit, Alasdair Mackay, Donald Macintosh, Sam Bilner.

•The annual bonfire and fireworks display was held at Plockton on Saturday November 4. As usual a very large crowd attended and Ewen Cameron, Douglas Cameron, Thomas Maclennan and Neil Macrae lit the fireworks while a team of volunteers sold burgers and mulled wine at the car-park.

•The recent very strong easterly gales resulted in several garden walls on Harbour Street being damaged and a huge amount of seaweed on the foreshore.

•Several holiday houses in Plockton are on the market including number 4, 19, 29 and 37 Harbour Street.  A flat in the old free church is also for sale.

•There was no door to door poppy distribution in Plockton this year.  Charlie M MacRae who had organised it for over 30 years until retiring two years ago said it was disappointing.

•Recent deaths in the area have included Erika Ramsay aged 50, originally from Kyle but lived in Inverness; Major Alastair Stewart, Balmacara, who was 98 –  A stalwart in the Lochalsh branch of the Royal British Legion and president for 32 years, also session clerk in the Church of Scotland; Don MacDonell, aged 85, a well kent figure in Kyle and also a Legion member.

Sympathy is expressed to sorrowing relatives.