Local organisations to benefit from Highland Nature Restoration Fund

Two local organisations are among six nationwide to be awarded funding from the first round of the 2023/24 Highland Nature Restoration Fund for projects that support positive actions to help nature recover.

Kentallen and Duror Community Centre has been awarded £8,960 for phase 3 of its Memorial Wood and Nature Restoration project while Raasay House Community Company’s Rhododendron Removal Community Land scheme received £25,000.

Chair of the Council’s Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “I would like to congratulate the successful organisations who have applied so far.

“The projects they had put forward were well presented with clear biodiversity outcomes. Although all very different, they shared the goal of being proactive and taking local action to improve our environment that will benefit generations to come.“

Established by the Scottish Government, the Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) is a capital fund designed to help support projects that will deliver nature restoration, safeguard wildlife, and tackle the causes of biodiversity loss due to climate change.

Grants between £2,000 and £25,000 are available for community groups and organisations to bid into for projects that meet the eligible criteria.

The deadline to submit applications to the second round is November 22 with approvals announced during December.

The application form is light touch to complete with the main questions centred around biodiversity outcomes.

For key information, funding dates and to download a copy of the application form visit www.highland.gov.uk/naturerestorationfund or email the Nature Restoration Fund Team if you’ve any queries before applying on NRF@highland.gov.uk.