Tree maintenance in Inverlochy

JAHAMA Highland Estates will be undertaking a range of tree maintenance projects within the village of Inverlochy starting week commencing December 4.

During the week there will be range of trees being pollarded and crowned as part of the Estates’ on going Inverlochy Village tree monitoring and tree safety programme.

The Inverlochy village locations that will be most affected include Lundy Gardens, Lundy Road, Loch Eil Road, and Laggan Road.

“We have employed a local business, K Trees, to undertake the works that include the use of high access platforms that will be required to park near to the trees being maintained,” said JAHAMA liaison manager Jonathan Hart.

In addition to the ongoing tree maintenance programme, a total of three trees will be felled and removed.

“Nearer to the exact date of the operation we will be requesting that residents park their cars away from the trees that require maintenance so that we can ensure unhindered access to the trees,” added Mr Hart.

Highland Council Roads Department has been informed as there may be temporary access restrictions to certain sections of pavement and to some sections of the roads in question.

Works will be undertaken between the hours of 0800 to 16:00hrs daily.

“Thank you for your support with enabling us to undertake this important tree maintenance programme.

“We will aim to keep road and pavement restrictions to a minimum, to enable us to complete the works safely and on time,” concluded Mr Hart.