Teacher accused of sex acts on dance students

A teacher is on trial accused carrying out sex acts on nine teenage ballet students.

Jonathan Barton, 41, is said to have committed the majority of the charges at a ballet school in Argyll and Bute.

The charges span between September 2004 and July 2019.

The alleged victims are girls aged between 16 and 18.

Court papers state Barton was a teacher “in a position of trust” at the time.

Barton is claimed to have had sexual intercourse and engaged in sexual activity with a girl aged between 16 and 18.

This is said to have taken place at the school, a hotel in Stirling as well as in a car journey between Oban and Campbeltown.

He is stated to have had sexual intercourse or engaged in sexual activity with another girl aged between 16 and 17 at the school.

Barton is alleged to have engaged in sexual activity other than sexual intercourse with a third girl.

He is claimed to have invited the girl to private dance lessons and rubbed his body parts against her.

The fourth charge says Barton touched another girl’s inner thighs.

A fifth allegation states he engaged in sexual activity with a girl by repeatedly handling her buttocks, placing his hand on her knee and touching her near an inappropriate area

Another charge says Barton sexually assaulted the same student by handling her buttocks, placed his hand on her knee and moved himself inappropriately close to her lower body.

A six girl is claimed to have been touched on the body, waist, hips and legs as well as touched her on the back and stomach.

Barton is further stated to have moved her pelvis back and forward.

Another charge claims Barton did a similar act towards another girl, touch her on the knee and pull an intimate area of her body towards him.

A further charge alleges Barton sexually assaulted a girl by standing behind her so that his body touched hers.

He is stated to have groped her on the breast and put his hand on her leg as well as near an intimate area of her body.

A final charge claims Barton stroked another girl’s face, neck and inner thigh.

He is further alleged to have commented on her appearance.

Barton denies the total of 10 charges at Dumbarton Sheriff Court.

The Crown are represented by fiscal depute Dana Barclay while Barton is being defended by Gary McAteer.

The trial continues tomorrow before Sheriff William Gallacher.