Support needed for Upper Achintore community hub

Plans to create a community hub to meet the needs of Upper Achintore and the Plantation are well underway and the group driving the project forward are now seeking support from the public to make it a reality.

Upper Achintore Regeneration Group (UARG) is hosting a walk-in event in the Community Room, Lundavra Primary School on Monday November 27 November from 3.30 until 7.30.

Everyone is welcome.

The aim is to gather local residents’ views, ideas and suggestions about the proposed

A range of research material, sketch designs and ideas will be on display – and committee members from UARG will be there to listen.

UARG chairman Mark Linfield said: “We had an extensive on-line public consultation during lockdown when nearly 120 residents expressed support for the community hub.

“We have taken this project as far as we can and have identified a site.

“We have a range of uses and ideas, we have explored funding sources and we are currently working on a business plan but we need your input.

“Without a strong expression of local support we will not get the funding we need.

“Please take 10 minutes out of your day and pop in to our event. You will be very welcome.”

Photograph: An artist’s impression of the proposed community hub in upper Fort William. NO_F47_UpperAchintoreCommunityHub_23_visualisation