Nevis Hill Walking Club

Saturday November 25 – Glen Lochy

Meall nan Gabhar (744m, Graham) – hill of the goats
Beinn Bhalgairean (636m, Graham) – mountain of the fox

Overshadowed by the Ben Lui Massif to the east, Meall nan Gabhar with its impressive North Face is clearly visible from the A85 trunk road.

Its neighbour to the west, Beinn Bhalgairean has fine views of Ben Cruachan.

Both hills can be reached quickly and easily with an approach by mountain bike, but the
most interesting route is on foot.

A shorter day is possible by omitting Beinn Bhalgairean.

21km, 1045m ascent
16km, 769m ascent – omitting Beinn Bhalgairean

For more details of the route please visit our website or our Facebook page

Please note walks may change at short notice due to conditions on the day.

If you are a keen walker, want to know more about our club, participate in walks or are interested in becoming a member, please contact us at