School swimmers make a splash in Campbeltown

Aqualibrium Leisure Centre was awash with activity last week, when 125 swimmers from primary and secondary schools across Argyll and Bute descended for the Scottish Schools Swimming Championships area trials.

Swimmers competed in Campbeltown on Tuesday November 14 in a bid to achieve consideration times to represent Argyll and Bute schools at the competition finals at the Dollan Aqua Centre, East Kilbride, on Friday January 26, 2024.

Nine swimmers from Islay High School travelled the night before to ensure they could compete in the event, with others travelling on the day from as far afield as Mull and Helensburgh and referee Elizabeth Fitzsimmons making the journey from Troon to support the event.

With a busy programme of 58 events ranging from 50m swims for primary entrants to 100m, 200m and 400m for secondary entrants, the warm-up started in earnest at 10am, with the competition starting sharp at 10.30am.

The events were continuous, with a short 30-minute break at lunch to allow all the officials and volunteers a well-deserved lunch break. The afternoon’s session finished just in time for Aqualibrium’s swimming lessons at 3pm.

Campbeltown Grammar School had a strong entry, with 18 swimmers representing the school winning an outstanding 21 golds, 15 silver and 17 bronze medals throughout the day’s competition.

Next year’s area trials are scheduled to take place in November 2024 in Riverside, Dunoon.

The 2023 Scottish Schools Swimming Championships’ Argyll and Bute area trials were held in Campbeltown.