Leader, November 24 2023

The end of an era

The name ‘Dunaverty Players’ has been synonymous with Kintyre’s amateur drama scene for as long as many of us can remember.

This makes it all the more saddening that the club’s committee has made the difficult decision to disband after 70 years.

Its members have made audiences cry with laughter, weep with woe and rejoice in celebration during hundreds of performances spanning seven decades.

The effort required to establish, run and make a success of a club in this way cannot be easily appreciated by those of us not involved with such groups.

To have survived for so many years, despite having to call it a day at this stage, is a phenomenal achievement.

While we do not revel in sharing news of the club’s end, it serves as a perfect opportunity to sing its praises, reminding readers – or informing younger readers for the first time –about the club’s many successes, including being crowned British champions.

We hope amateur drama has a long future in Kintyre and Dunaverty Players’ ‘retired’ thespians enjoy attending the Scottish Community Drama Association’s Kintyre District Drama Festival, rather than starring in it.