Care group enlighten Rotarians on community car scheme

Members of Lochaber Rotary Club welcomed guest speakers Allison Kane and Laura McKenzie from Care Lochaber to their weekly business lunch meeting in the Alexandra Hotel on Wednesday November 15.

The ladies gave an engaging 15-minute presentation on their organisations community car scheme which supports elderly and less-mobile residents of Lochaber who cannot easily access public transport.

Laura and Allison explained that the service operates during daytime hours Monday to Friday in the wider Fort William area as well as Kinlochleven and Invergarry.

It is well used and helps many to maintain independence for its many users.

Journeys can include appointments with the doctor, nurse, optician, dentist or chiropodist as well as visits to the hairdresser, shopping, visiting friends, community
events and even getting to the bus or rail station.

Allison described how the car scheme operates and added: “Our scheme aims to make a
difference to people’s lives.

“It helps elderly people and others living on their own to socialise, attend community events and lunch clubs”.

Laura explained that users of the service need to register by phoning 01397 701222.

The service is operated by a team of volunteer drivers and is funded by the Highland
Council and business groups including the Hugh Fraser Foundation.

“We rely on local drivers using their own vehicles,” expanded Laura.

“If you have a bit of free time and access to a car and enjoy getting out and meeting people, you could help us to help the community.

“Volunteering can be very rewarding.”

On behalf of the Club, Vice-President Isla Campbell thanked Allison and Laura and
added: “Thank you both for educating us on the community car scheme – extremely

Members responded with warm applause.