Health inspectors not visited hospitals for five years

Healthcare Improvement Scotland has only visited Campbeltown Hospital once and Mid Argyll Argyll Community Hospital twice since the quango was set up in 2011.

The organisation was set up to inspect Scotland’s hospitals but in some hospitals have been never visited, says Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron.

Many others, including Campbeltown and Mid Argyll, haven’t been checked since before the pandemic, according to the official log of safety and cleanliness inspections.

Mid Argyll Hospital
Mid Argyll Community Hospital

In the NHS Highland area, Islay Hospital has never been inspected.

Campbeltown Hospital, Mid Argyll Community Hospital and Cowal Community Hospital were last checked in 2018 and Mid Argyll previous to that in 2014. Cowal had a general inspection in 2021.

And Lorn and Islands Hospital in Oban hasn’t been inspected since 2015.

Scottish Conservative Mr Cameron said: “Inspections are an important way of ensuring safety and cleanliness standards in our hospitals.

“It’s extremely worrying that so many hospitals across the Highlands and Islands appear to have been forgotten about.

“Patients and staff deserve to know that inspectors are keeping a close eye on the state of Scotland’s hospitals, but these figures tell a different story.

“The Scottish Government needs to explain why so many of our rural and island hospitals haven’t received safety and cleanliness inspections and set out what it intends to do to change that.”