Lochaber Chamber looks west to support more businesses

Lochaber Chamber of Commerce has announced exciting proposals to support businesses in Skye and Lochalsh, Wester Ross and Argyll as well as in Lochaber.

Sarah Riddle, president of Lochaber Chamber of Commerce, said: “Being a part of a
chamber of commerce offers huge opportunities for businesses through making business connections, trade opportunities and practical business assistance.

“The expansion proposal is currently in the early stages. Lochaber Chamber has started to seek the views of businesses and business groups in the areas that could join to create a newly expanded Chamber of Commerce.”

More than 50 businesses have so far been consulted on their initial views and feedback on the proposals has been extremely positive, with all those consulted indicating they would be happy to join an expanded chamber.

Lochaber Chamber believes the proposed expansion will help to amplify the business voice of the whole of the West Highlands, as well as offer valuable business benefits through being part of the Chamber network.

Frazer Coupland, chief executive officer of Lochaber Chamber, said: “Extending our support will allow us to work more closely together for the benefit of all our communities and to raise our voices together to ensure our particular needs are not only heard, but also acted upon.”

For further information about the membership and work of Lochaber Chamber and the wider Scottish Chambers of Commerce network visit www.lochaberchamber.co.uk.

Consultation events with local businesses will be held in Oban, Portree and Ullapool.

The ‘business breakfast’ style event will take place in Oban on December 5 at The Rockfield Centre.

Lochaber Chamber of Commerce will share insights into their recent strategy review and how its proposed expansion plans will extend its geographical reach to Skye and Lochalsh, Wester Ross and Oban, in addition to Lochaber.

Businesses can book their free place online at www.lochaberchamber.co.uk.

Photograph: Lochaber Chamber of Commerce president Sarah Riddle and chief
executive Frazer Coupland look forward to offering support to more businesses in the
west. NO_F47_LochaberChamberOfCommerce_23_SarahRiddle_FrazerCoupland