Highland Cinema goes above and beyond at Big Screen awards

Just three years after opening in September 2020, Highland Cinema, Fort William, has been named ‘UK Cinema of the Year 2023’ at a high profile ‘Big Screen Awards’ ceremony in London on Thursday November 23.

Highland Cinema, Fort William.

The event recognises and celebrates achievements in the UK cinema industry, with more than 60 experts involved in the judging.

In the Cinema of the Year category, judges look for evidence of how cinemas connect with and serve their community, innovation and/or ambition around programming and ticket sales.

One of the judges commented: “A very impressive site which stands out for its local initiatives. In particular, I like the concept of using the ad reel to promote local businesses and using local suppliers.

“Highland Cinema is going above and beyond to make itself a community hub and it’s a place I would very much like to visit.”

Run by a small local team and showing a mix of Hollywood blockbusters, event cinema, independent films and local Scottish interest titles, the venue also attracts audiences with its bright, spacious café bar, regular classic film club showings, weekly quiz, cultural talks, live music and events.

The venue is also accessible to everyone, with dedicated wheelchair seating and Monday films shown with subtitles.

UK Cinema Association chief executive Phil Clapp commented: “The Highland Cinema was unanimously chosen as cinema of the year by a panel of fellow smaller cinema operators, all of whom recognised the impact the venue has clearly had in such a short time and the extent to which it has been so wholeheartedly embraced by the community.

“We often talk about the social, cultural and economic value a cinema can bring to an area. The Highland Cinema is as good an example as any of just that impact.”

Accepting the award, cinema owner and director Angus MacDonald said: “This is
the most fantastic thing for the Highland Cinema, for the people of Fort William and Lochaber and for all our wonderful and enthusiastic staff.

“I cannot tell you how pleased I am. It really matters to me to have something which people are very proud of in the area.

“Somewhere they could say to their friends, this is a fantastic place to go in our town.”

Also reacting to the award, general manager Caroline Knox said: “This is an amazing achievement for us in such a short space of time since opening. Many thanks to our community, sponsors and visitors for all their support, and to our excellent team, who I’m very proud of.”

After a challenging few years, the cinema industry is beginning to turn around as audiences return for big blockbusters like Avatar 2, Oppenheimer and Barbie.

“We’re definitely optimistic about the future,” added marketing manager Hamish McIntyre.

“Our well attended showings of diverse classics like Bladerunner, The Lost Boys and The Goonies also prove audiences of all ages still love the big screen experience. We’ve got some new ideas up our sleeve for 2024.”

Photograph: Highland Cinema director Angus MacDonald can’t hide his delight on receiving the award from Phil Clapp, UK Cinema Association chief executive. NO_F48_CinemaAward_23_HighlandCinema 01