Social group’s cinema trip

Members of Shopper-Aide’s Carradale-based social group have been out and about again, this time enjoying a visit to the pictures.

During the recent outing, eight members travelled with group organiser Fiona Lavery-Jones to Campbeltown Picture House, where they watched The Miracle Club.

The movie, which had the ladies laughing and crying in equal measures, follows the story of three generations of close friends in a hard-knocks community in Dublin who share a tantalizing dream: to win a pilgrimage to the sacred French town of Lourdes, that place of miracles that draws millions of visitors each year.

“What a wonderful day they had,” said Fiona. “It was a beautiful drive into Campbeltown – the sun certainly had his hat on!

“Some of these ladies haven’t been to the cinema for decades. Lots of lovely memories were made.

“We were very grateful as this trip was funded by the Abbeyfield Trust Fund, administered through the East Kintyre Community Fund/Council, so a big thank you.”