Tarbert turns out for festive lights switch-on

Tarbert village turned out in force last Friday evening as the weather gods granted a dry and bright evening for the annual Christmas Fair and lights switch-on.

The community in Tarbert turned out in force on a lovely winter’s evening for the village’s lights switch-on.

The Templar’s Arts and Leisure Centre was the venue for the Christmas Fair, where everything from soaps to chocolate and handmade delights to photo cards and calendars could be found – with music to accompany shoppers.

Jean Johnson with a selection of gorgeous hand-knitted items.
Kirsty MacFarlane with a selection of Damn Fyne Soaps.
Gifts of all shapes and sizes and of huge variety were on sale in the Templar’s Art and Leisure Centre in Tarbert.

Then, as the evening progressed, Tarbert Primary School children paraded to the harbour with their handmade colourful lanterns to where the creel tree – built by some amazing volunteers in truly awful weather – waited to to be lit up.

Doing the honours this year were Seafood Queen Kayleigh Hawthorn with princesses Esmee MacDougall and Maisy Stewart with Coen Gillies.

Coen is the grandson of Coll MacFarlane, owner of C&J Shellfish, who donated the creels alongside Ed MacCallum, who works for Jim Prentice, while Mundells delivered the lights.

There was carol singing around the Creel Christmas Tree.

There were carols around the Christmas tree from the children, with everyone joining in and hot chocolate and mince pies thanks to the parent council, with Anne Horn making the Christmas speech and giving thanks to all those involved.

This year’s seafood festival queen and princesses, Esme MacDougall, Kayleigh Hawthorn and Maisy Stewart at the creel tree.