Recycled mini Oban is a window winner

Waitress Lisa Gutcher served up a winner for her boss at Julie’s Coffee House.

Lisa Gutcher with her mini Oban design that won best dressed window for Julie’s Coffee House as part of this year’s Winter Festival.

The Canadian, who loves Oban so much that she stayed, recycled milk and juice cartons and delivery boxes to handcraft a mini town scene that wowed judges of this year’s Oban Winter Festival best dressed window competition.

Julie’s Coffee House winning Winter Festival window

With such attention to detail and featuring Oban’s McCaig’s Tower and the distillery chimney, Lisa even included tiny card cut-outs of her friends from back home across the Atlantic.

“I only came to do a six-month internship at SAMS and fell in love with Oban so much that I stayed,” said Lisa who works part-time at the coffee house and the other half of her working days as an artist at ocean-inspired fashion business Crùbag.

Karen Maclean, who has run Julie’s Coffee House for seven years, was delighted with the win. The pair brainstormed ideas for the display before Lisa set to work creating it.

A Winter Festival spokesperson said there were lots of great entries this year and sent mascot Coolio along on Monday to hand over a congratulatory bottle of fizz.