West Lochfyneside Parish Church Christmas fair

The Annual Christmas Fair in Inveraray Church Hall brought members of the church and wider community together on Saturday November 26 for an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

The usual stalls, home-baking, tombola, guess the weight of the cake/number of sweets in the jar/name the whisky were all as popular as ever, as was the grand raffle and tea, cakes and sandwiches.

Young and not so young joined in the fun and a marvellous £945 was raised for church funds.

Many thanks for the generosity of all who donated raffle prizes and who came along on the day. And to all who helped on the day, making it such a success.

West Lochfyneside Parish Church held a similar event on Saturday December in Furnace Village Hall, with the addition of plants as well as the favourite stalls.