Trio kick off music club’s season

The Inveraray and District Accordion and Fiddle Club finally got the new session underway on November 8 at the Inveraray Inn, the severe weather having put paid to the October evening.

Chairman Roddy MacDiarmid welcomed everyone and called on local stalwarts Fyne Folk to start the evening off.

With Jake MacKay, Alex John MacLeod and Sally Hall on fiddle and Agnes Liddell on keyboard, they played a nice medley of pipe marches, Gaelic waltzes and jaunty jigs.

Jake and Agnes stayed on stage with Jake swapping the fiddle for the ‘moothie’ and, in his own inimitable style, played a lovely slow air, followed by Scottish waltzes and pipe marches.

Guest artistes for the evening were the Marian Anderson Trio from Falkirk, with Marian on accordion, Max Ketchin on drums and Jim Nicol on keyboard.

They treated the audience to a nice, varied selection of sets, including many of Marian’s own compositions.

After the raffle and tea, it was more of the same in the second half and the guest artistes brought the evening to a close with a rousing set of reels.

The chairman thanked all the artistes for a superb night of music.  Next week, on Wednesday December 13 in the Inveraray Inn at 7.30pm, the club looks forward to welcoming, for the first time, the Calum MacColl Trio from Fort William.

Calum has ‘many strings to his bow’ being an accordionist, piper and is a Traditional Mod Gold Medallist, as well as being a TV weather presenter, so an entertaining night is in store.