Lib Dems select Alan Reid to stand at next general election

The Liberal Democrats have selected Alan Reid to be their candidate for the new constituency of Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber at next year’s General Election.

The East Dunbartonshire councillor served as the MP for Argyll and Bute from 2001 until 2015.

The selection was by postal ballot of all Liberal Democrat members in the constituency.

Speaking after the result was announced at a meeting in Inveraray, Mr Reid said: “Next year’s election gives us a great opportunity to win this new constituency.

“The Tory and SNP Governments have failed. Soaring energy bills, food prices and housing costs are overwhelming millions of people. The country needs a fresh start.

“Liberal Democrats would help people with the cost of living and their energy bills by implementing a proper windfall tax on the super-profits of oil and gas producers and traders.

“Liberal Democrats would invest in the transport infrastructure of Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber.

“I warned the SNP 15 years ago that if they didn’t invest in new ferries, the ageing fleet would break down regularly. Sadly they ignored all the warnings and local people are now suffering the consequences.

“We urgently need several new car ferries as well as new vessels for Dunoon and Kilcreggan and, although the money for landside infrastructure at the Corran Ferry is welcome, there is still an urgent need for money for a new ferry.

“Our crumbling roads need investment, particularly the A82, A83 and A816.

“Liberal Democrats would tackle these problems where the SNP and the Tories have failed.

“I look forward to campaigning on these issues across the whole of Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber.”