A public information campaign is getting under way to make people aware that they could be fined for parking on the pavement.

The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, with certain exemptions designated by local authorities – for example to ensure safe access for emergency vehicles.

From last Monday local authorities can begin enforcing the law. This means drivers could be fined £100 for these parking behaviours; reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days.

The new campaign includes radio, outdoor and social media advertising, highlighting the dangers pavement parking poses to pavement users, forcing them to take unnecessary risks by moving around the car and onto the road.

Edinburgh is the only council in Scotland which has so far announced they will enforce the ban from January 2024.

Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop said: “The message here is clear: pavement parking is unsafe, unfair and illegal, and you could be fined up to £100 for it.

“Local authorities can begin to issue fines from December 11, so this campaign is really important to make sure everyone in Scotland is aware that enforcement is coming.

“We’re highlighting the danger that illegal pavement parking poses to pavement users, and in particular those with mobility issues or visual impairments, or parents pushing prams and buggies.

“Scotland is the first of the four nations to make pavement parking illegal nationwide. This change in legislation is a step towards developing communities that are better able to support active travel, building on the work that is already underway to reduce emissions and helping us meet our world-leading climate change targets.”

Living Streets Scotland, part of the UK charity for everyday walking has called on local authorities in Scotland to implement the ban properly following concerns that some councils plan mass exemptions and have limited plans for enforcement.

In a letter to local authorities, Stuart Hay, director of Living Streets Scotland says mass exemptions would contradict Scottish Government guidance and conflict with obligations under the Equalities Act to protect older and disabled people.

The issue was highlighted in the Scottish National Walking Survey 2023 where 46 per cent of people listed pavement parking as being a problem they encounter. This level was similar to 2019 data, which also showed a fifth of people had to choose different walking routes due to obstruction.

Meanwhile, research by Living Streets found that a quarter of over 65s are prevented from leaving their home because of obstructed pavements (Research by YouGov on behalf of Living Streets, 28 March – 2 April 2019, 1,012 adults aged 65+) and 87 per cent of parents in Britain have been forced into the road because of vehicles blocking pavements (Research by YouGov on behalf of Living Streets, undertaken between 1st – 2nd November 2021).

Mr Hay said: “Mass exemptions seriously undermine the ban and will put people at risk if they aren’t introduced following rigorous assessments and consultation. Ongoing promotion of the ban and engagement with communities is also vital to ensure the implementation is effective.

“Without sufficient enforcement capacity many groups including disabled people will feel badly let down. We want to see targeted and proactive action in known hotspots where pavements need cleared of obstructing cars.”

Mike Harrison has been a wheelchair user following a cycling accident 17 years ago. He said: “Vehicles on the pavement can be just a nuisance and they can be a severe obstacle. It increases my journey time, I’m often in danger of scratching my hands on a wall, or vegetation sticking out makes it difficult to get past.

“Once you’re on the road, of course, you’re more vulnerable, especially if the traffic is coming up behind me.

“The new enforcement will make it clear to people what is required and will make journeys safer and more convenient.”

Michael Tornow is blind and has a guide dog, Pebbles. He also has a hearing impairment and uses hearing aids.

He said: “Pavement parking makes me frustrated. It’s just very tiring trying to navigate around parked cars. And not just for me, but for others – people in wheelchairs, people pushing buggies. It’s just not very considerate.

“As somebody who is completely blind, that’s meant stepping out into the road. That’s obviously quite dangerous, sometimes not being able to hear because of traffic noise.

“I also have to try and work out myself, without being able to see, where I can then step back onto the pavement.

“I hope the new enforcement will make people understand that pavement parking is both unsafe and unfair. Without cars on the pavement it will be easier and safer for me to get around.”

More information can be found at roadsafety.scot


Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop with Michael Tornow and his guide dog, Pebbles, and Mike Harrison at the launch of the campaign to make people aware that they could soon be fined for parking on the pavement. NO T50 pavement ban_23_fiona hyslopNEW (from library)