Experts reveal the best way to care for yourself this winter to avoid SAD 

Many of us are guilty of heading into winter only thinking about when we will have to put the heating on and what gifts to get for Christmas.

You may not have thought about getting your body and mind ‘winter-ready’ before, but this year, putting you first is more important than ever.

Life insurance experts Howden Insurance advise on the best ways to equip yourself mentally and physically for the winter this year.

Embrace the season; with shorter and colder days, it is easy to let this affect your mood but challenge yourself to take on a different view this season.

When we dread a time of year, we can get quite anxious, and lots of uncertainty adds to this. The most important relationship that any of us have in our lives is with stress – how it manifests in us and how we manage it all helps to support a robust immune system.

It’s vital to get exercise, fresh air, and maximize the amount of daylight you receive, for vitamin and energy levels. Being outdoors can also be a rare opportunity to forget technology, work, meetings, and other stressors.

For those working remotely, ensuring good winter hygiene is essential for those who work from home – as it’s incredibly tempting to stay in until Spring!

Get up, shower, get dressed, and make sure you are prepared for the day ahead.

Consider a Lumie alarm clock lamp to wake you up or to place it on your desk. Even better, position your desk in front of a window to get as much natural light as you can – it’s vital to prescribe yourself plenty of light over the winter months.

If you are working from home, go on a ‘fake commute’ by walking around the block before you start work to get yourself moving. It’s too easy to stay inside during the winter months – so getting outside at least once a day should be on your daily to-do list.

If you can’t get out, open the windows, and let fresh air in. We are all conserving energy this winter but we still need fresh air in our homes for our wellbeing.

With the Christmas treat temptation being everywhere, it is essential to discipline yourself to stay healthy. Chop up your favourite fruits and vegetables in advance for a healthy, convenient snack to help you avoid gorging on the Christmas cake.

Reduce your refined sugar intact; research has shown that just 100g of sugar consumed in one sitting can suppress the immune system for up to five hours.

Make sure to watch your alcohol intake; with Christmas parties and visits from friends and family, it is easy to go overboard.

Ensure you have several alcohol-free days to give your liver a break and to help ward off depression.

Drink plenty water – it is excellent for your energy levels, flushes out toxins, and helps your immune system. You can also try vitamins such as C, D, and Echinacea, but speak with your GP first if you are on medication.

Adopt the hygge mindset, (pronounced ‘hoo-gah’) this celebrates the Danish way of embracing winter in a sensory way: visually, via sounds, and a sense touch via a calm, snuggly environment.

Try burning candles or use a diffuser for burning aromatherapy oils. Mix this with drinking hot chocolate or ginger and lemon during a time out. It really can transform your winter into something special, at very little expense.

Speaking on these tips a spokesperson for Howden Insurance advises that: “Winter can be an extremely uneasy season.

“This is why following a winter wellbeing guide is so important as poor mental health can affect your physical health as well.

“Taking the time daily to reflect on yourself and your needs can help readjust your focus and improve your mood.

“Do not be afraid to reach out to friends, family or even a professional if you are struggling this festive season, anyone can experience mental health problems and it is completely normal to do so.”