Plockton news

Senior citizens’ Christmas party

Plockton held its senior citizens’ Christmas party on December 1 in Plockton Hall.

Six senior citizens attended on a frosty but dry evening. Mairi Finlayson welcomed guests with a tune on the pipes. The oldest guest was 94-year-old Mary MacRae from Achmore.

After an excellent meal, served by Sarah Bruce and her team, Santa presented gifts and a large raffle was drawn.

Charlie M MacRae proposed a vote of thanks at the close of the evening. Thomas and Iona MacLennan, who have helped over many years, were presented with gifts on their retiral.

Fundraising lunch

A lunch was held in Plockton Hall on November 11 to raise funds for the village’s children’s party.

The new hall extension was opened 28 years ago, thanks to a lottery grant.

Women for Mission support

Plockton and Kyle Free Church has been raising money for the Women for Mission project.

A gala stall at Kyle raised £365 and a sale in the Lighthouse Centre on November 17 raised £1,075. Donations received amounted to £1,460, giving a grand total of £2,900.

Community council

Plockton and District Community Council met in Plockton Hall on November 20.

This was the first meeting after the election, so councillor Biz Campbell took the chair. All office-bearers were re-elected.

Among the items discussed were:

Fireworks on November 4: The secretary reported it had been successful. A total of £1,660 had been collected in the buckets and the food made a profit of £1,158. New lighting and gas burners had been bought after generous donations from local businesses and organisations. There is a healthy balance of £4,468 left over for next year.

Ewen Cameron and Sue Atkinson and their team of helpers were thanked.

Village projects: The Highland Council has given the community council a grant of £4,594. The money was donated from the proceeds of the car park meter.

New signs: A new sign has been put up at the entrance to the village but the community council feels it should be moved to include the new houses at Burnside.

Plockton Primary School

The school is to be temporarily located to Plockton High School in February while an assessment is made of the cost and extent of the repairs needed to the canteen and Gaelic Medium building. The community council expressed disappointment at this saying the repairs should have been carried out during the summer holidays. It said lack of maintenance over the years had led to this point.

Potholes: Repairs needed on Duirnish Bridge were highlighted.

Traffic plans in Plockton: These will be discussed by The Highland Council before the start of the tourist season next year.

Date of next meeting: Monday December 18.

In sympathy

Recent deaths in the community include: The Reverend Lesley Edmunds, formerly of Drumbuie; Dr John Adamson, Kyle; Brian Neath and Gordon Finlay, Dornie; and Alec MacKenzie, Garve, whose wife Elspeth is a Plockton native. Sympathy is extended to  relatives and friends.

Blythswood collection

A collection by Plockton and Kyle Free Church in November raised £230 for Blythswood.


The Reverend Colin L Macleod was inducted in Lochcarron Hall on December 2 and is now minister of Lochcarron and Applecross Free Church.