At Random with Martin Laing – 14.12.23

Second chance
I was cheered to read about the new community shop in George Street that has been named Re_Store.

According to the report, “Connecting Communities Collective (CCC) is re-purposing empty premises next to Oxfam in George Street to offer second hand clothes and bargain-price homewares as well as run projects for reducing food waste and workshop sessions for remaking, repairing and upcycling.”

It is a splendid idea, and mirrors similar projects that are very successful elsewhere.
It would be remiss of me not to mention here that I am, in fact, involved, albeit in a small way, with a kindred project in Stirling. It is an outlet in the Thistles shopping mall called Reclaimers. We are a spin-off from the Stirling Reuse Hub where makers (I revel in that job description these days!) reuse and repurpose old and unwanted items. In my case, I make walking sticks and clocks.

The point is really to highlight the absurd amount of waste we all generate and treat so casually. We hope our efforts will encourage people to think about how they can reduce waste.

We opened our shop in the spring this year and have been pretty successful to date, with regular workshops increasingly popular.

The Re_Store shop sounds like an excellent initiative along the same lines. I applaud CCC for it and would urge all you lovely readers to support it in any way you can.

Rock shock
Good grief. You could not make it up. That was my immediate reaction to hearing about the house at Benderloch that was destroyed by a giant boulder. I was unfeasibly shocked.

Thankfully, no one was injured but my heart goes out to the poor souls who have lost their home in such an unimaginable freak accident.

I was touched, however, by the instant response of the community in rallying to raise thousands of pounds to help.

Very well done to those who organised the Gofundme appeal page. To contribute, go to

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