Church invites memorial bauble and ribbons again

Dalriada Mid Argyll Church of Scotland is again asking people to remember someone they love this Christmas.

Last year Lochgilphead Church decorated the railings outside the church on the run up to Christmas.

Members of the community were encouraged to decorate the railings with a bauble or a ribbon, and a name if they wish, in memory of someone they love and miss who will not be with them this year.

This was so well supported it is being repeated again this year and this time Ardrishaig Church will also be taking part and will have a Christmas tree at the front of the church which can be decorated with remembrance baubles.

A spokesperson for the church said: “As the Christmas season approaches many are caught up in the excitement and the party spirit.

“However, many will be saddened as their thoughts turn to those who will not be with them this year for one reason or another.

“By placing a ribbon or a bauble on the railings whilst having a quiet couple of minutes with those they miss in their thoughts, may give some comfort and assurance that others are also tying on baubles and that they are not alone in missing someone they love.

“Once again we are hoping that members of the community will take part in this simple act of remembrance.

“They are welcome to visit the churches at any time after Friday December 15 to add their memorial bauble.”