Get in early to book for Arran Mountain Festival

By Colin Smeeton

Places for guided walks, mountain-related activities and tours during the Arran Mountain Festival go on sale early next week.

The much sought-after bookings for the Arran Mountain Festival, which will take place between May 17 to May 20 next year, go on sale on Monday December 18, with some of the events likely to be snapped up shortly after going on sale.

The programme offers more than 28 events, taking in the island’s most popular walks, but also offering some more specialised and unusual activities. This includes the Whitebeams and Wildlife of the Western Hills walk which offers a fascinating insight into the Arran, cut-leaved and Catacol Whitebeam trees which are some of the rarest trees in the world. This walk and talk will be hosted by a member of staff from the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.

Another fascinating walk is the Plane Wrecks walk which will take visitors to two sites of plane crashes during World War II. Perennial favourites, like Goatfell and Witch’s Step, Castles and Sail an Im and Cioch na h-Oighe will also, once again, be covered, along with a Holy Isle Mountain walk and two Arran Corbetts days.

Mountain running coaching will also be on offer with coaching from ultra-runner and mountaineering and climbing instructor, Giles Ruck.

All of the walks are graded in difficulty, from moderate to challenging to extreme, and are from 4.5 hours to 9 hours in duration. Walk numbers are kept small to offer a better experience and so places are limited.

There is also the chance to enjoy a post-walk coffee, tea and cake and to enjoy a chat with other participants after each day.

The full programme, with detailed information on all of the events and booking information when available, can be found on the Arran Mountain Festival page at


Walkers take a well earned rest during a previous mountain festival. NO_B50AMF01_23_take_break

The Arran Mountain Fesival logo. NO_B50AMF02_23_festival_logo