Construction ‘elves’ get towns ready for Christmas

The MacLeod Construction Ltd elves were out at the beginning of the month in Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig to make sure both towns were looking bright and festive for Christmas.

With the help of more ‘elves’ from D A MacDonald Contractors Ltd and George MacNaughton, Christmas trees and lights were installed in the two towns.

The two Christmas trees in Lochgilphead were donated by MacLeod Construction Ltd and now that everything is lit up – and scaffolding is down in Lochgilphead’s Colchester Square – the towns are ready to celebrate Christmas!

A spokesperson for MacLeod’s said: “Great to see our local businesses come together to ensure that our communities sparkle this Christmas. Our thanks to everyone involved for donating time, plant and materials.”

All photographs: MacLeod Construction Ltd

The tree donated by MacLeod’s at the Parish Church.
Putting up the lights in Main Street.
Putting up the lights in Colchester Square with help from D A MacDonald Construction Ltd.
MacLeod’s ‘elves’ put up the tree, donated by MacLeod’s on Lochgilphead’s Front Green.
Colchester Square looking to the tree on the Front Green in Lochgilphead, all lit up.