High School youngsters dances the night away at Senior Jingles

More than 200 pupils had a ball at Oban High School’s 2023 senior Jingles party, reports Molly Gilchrist who was there.

Take your partners at Oban High School’s senior Jingles. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

S6 pupils and teachers picked and planned a masquerade theme for the big Christmas event staged at the Corran Halls last week where tables were decked with feathers, pearls and balloons.

Masquerade was the theme for this year’s Oban High School senior Jingles at the Corran Halls. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

Pupils dance the night away to the sounds of Rhuvaal and DJ Sam Coates.

Looking dapper at Oban High School’s senior Jingles 2023. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

Suits, kilts and elegant dresses were the dress code.

Photo opportunity for pupils at Oban High School’s senior Jingles.
Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

Pupils enjoyed ceilidh dancing with each other to the sound of the band Rhuvaal, who were centre stage for the first part of the night, performing a range of songs from fast to slow, getting everyone involved. Then it was the turn of DJ Sam Coates whose prepared electronic set went down a treat.

Dancing the night away at the senior Jingles. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

The Corran Halls was bustling for the entire night and the atmosphere was incredible, with the lighting technicians doing a fantastic job, as well as the staff that attended to make sure everyone was safe and could have a good time. The night ended with everyone raving about it to each other and comparing their favourite parts of the night.

Oban High School senior pupils enjoying last week’s Jingles. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

The dance served as a well-deserved break for students during this stressful time, studying for prelims and exams.

All smiles at Oban High School’s senior Jingles night at the Corran Halls.
Photograph: Kevin McGlynn
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DJ Coates, especially, was a hit with the students throughout the night of dancing and adding to the lifelong, unforgettable memories that the students made at the 2023 senior jingles.

Staff joined senior pupils in having fun at last week’s Jingles. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.